Stories From rND Customers

When it comes to the world of “Gluten-Free”, customers still have two major concerns. First, that the ingredients and products are safe for them to eat and second, that it will actually taste good.

That is why, at rND we dedicate our time to research and development to ensure that all of our products address those major concerns. But don’t take our word for it! Below are stories gathered from our customers about their experience with our delicious and gluten-free, vegan products. 

Why are you purchasing from rND?

We’ve been buying gluten-free products for a while. Our entire family, but specifically our daughter is sensitive to gluten. Our daughter is actually a celiac. So we need to be very extra careful and that was the initial motivator that got us into gluten-free products. We also just love the stuff. It’s great bread. It is a simple recipe and doesn’t have a lot of chemicals. And the customer service is excellent.

Because it's the closest to bread in terms of taste. I remember the first time that I had my first bite of their bread, I almost cried because I felt like I'm eating bread all over again. So it’s the taste, the texture and the quality of the ingredients. It's a very clean, short list of ingredients. It's simple, healthy, and actually tastes good.

I haven't eaten gluten for maybe eight or nine years for medical reasons. But I'm not celiac, so I don't require super-stringent gluten-free products. I just need there to be no gluten in it. And a lot of gluten-free products are loaded with starches, which is crap. We don’t eat a lot of gluten-free, but sometimes you just want a nice piece of toast or have something with a bowl of soup. With rND they are healthy, the list of ingredients is short, and it tasted good too. It was like winning the lottery.

What do you like best about rND products?

The ingredients and the fact they have a decent variety. So it's not just, “Have this one loaf of bread and that's it”. Cause when you have a bunch of allergies, you know, it's hard to find stuff. So it's good to have a variety for sure.

It’s simple, it’s good and it’s wholesome.

My entire family sincerely enjoys their products. My husband can eat gluten and he'll eat those just because he enjoys them. He doesn't see them as inferior because they're gluten-free, he sees a good ciabatta. It doesn't feel like you're eating a substitute.



If you are celiac, have gluten sensitivities or just interested in healthier alternatives to bread, our products and ingredients will satisfy your needs and bring bread back into your life!

If you have any questions about our process, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist. 

Shop our products:

Gluten-free Vegan Bagels 

Gluten-Free, Yeast Free & Vegan Bagels

Gluten-free Vegan Buns

Gluten Free Vegan Buns

Gluten-free Vegan Loaves

Gluten Free & Vegan Loaves